Reinforcing bars

Reinforcing bars

Reinforcing die-rolled section bars A500C class Reinforcing die-rolled section bars A500C class
Ø 10-40 mm
Steel grade:
chemical composition acc. to STO ASChM 7-93
STO ASChM 7-93 (RB excluded)
Material Safety Data Sheets:

Class Mechanical properties, Not less
Yield strength, δTB0.2) Tensile strength, δв Relative elongation, δ5
Н/мм2 %
A400C 400 500 (480) 16
A500C 500 600 (550) 14
A600C 600 740 (660) 12

Note: In parentheses are the norm temporary resistance to rolling mechanically hardened cold

In bundles, weight 5 tons max., with banding by wire rod 6,5 mm in 6 places min. equally distributed over bundle. Each bundle is provided with 2 steel straps for multiple lifting.

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