Labor protection

Labor protection

Labor protection

OJSC “BSW - management company of “BMC” treats human life as the highest value. Society does not accept compromises between employee health and safety and gaining of profit. Occupational health and safety are key priorities of occupational health and safety management. Carrying out activities to implement its mission, the company ensures labor protection for employees, takes measures to reduce the risks of industrial accidents and occupational diseases, and strives to create and maintain working conditions that do not harm the health and human dignity of employees.

Using hazardous production facilities in the manufacturing process, the company’s management bears responsibility for preserving the life and health of employees. The current health and safety management system is built in accordance with the requirements of Belarusian legislation and taking into account the international practice.

Based on the priorities of international norms, the company’s labor protection service carries out labor protection management based on advanced international requirements. The company’s health and safety management is built on the basis of the main international labor safety standard ISO 45001 “Health and safety management systems” and the state standard STB ISO 45001 “Health and safety management systems in professional activities. Requirements and guidelines for use."

As before, the main strategic goals of OJSC “BSW - management company of “BMC” holding” in the field of labor protection are as follows:

  • continuous improvement and increase in effectiveness in the field of health and safety management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 45001 and STB ISO 45001;
  • carrying out constant monitoring of risks associated with manufacturing processes, carrying out corrective actions aimed at preventing the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents at work;
  • carrying out activities in the health and safety management system in accordance with the requirements of international standards, current legislation and other requirements related to hazards in the field of occupational health and safety;
  • prevention of equipment failures, incidents, emergency situations, prevention of personnel injuries and deterioration of their health in the process of production activities;
  • provision of all processes with competent, highly qualified personnel.