Code of ethics

Code of ethics

Code of ethics

Open Joint Stock Company “Byelorussian Steel Works - management company of “Byelorussian Metallurgical Company” holding” is an export-oriented and socially-responsible enterprise, operating on generally recognized principle sand norms of international right, UN Global Compact, standards and conventions of International Labour Organization, law of the Republic of Belarus, commitment to the principles of preserving national identity, citizenship and patriotism, as well as relying on the cultural and spiritual traditions of the Belarusian people

    1. Human rights:

  • Supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
  • recognizes the inviolability of human rights (including the prohibition of human trafficking) and takes all necessary measures to ensure and protect them (including the protection of personal data);
  • maintains a continuous escalation process for the purpose of timely response through the systems “Direct Telephone Line”, “One Window”, “Attention to the Person”, “Solving People's Personal Issues”, “Electronic Reception of General Director”, etc. (including anonymous requests from employees).

    2. Labour relations:

  • supports the right to freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  • supports the prohibition of child labour;
  • supports the elimination of any form of discrimination in labour relations (hiring, remuneration, training, etc.) and does not prevent satisfaction of needs that may give rise to it;
  • supports the elimination of any form of forced labour, harassment, exploitation, abuse orviolence (psychological, physical), as well as behaviour (gestures, expressions, etc.) that is threatening, offensive, etc.;
  • strives to ensure competitive wages;
  • ensures compliance with working conditions, including working hours and overtime;
  • creates and ensures safe and healthy working conditions, takes measures to prevent potential accidents, assesses all potential dangerous situations and risks in the workplace for all categories of employees (including pregnant women, nursing mothers) to take measures to eliminate or reduce them.

    3. Environmental safety:

  • Complies with environmental standards and requirements in the development and production of products, construction, reconstruction and expansion of production facilities;
  • Promotes the improvement of the environmental culture of personnel and the development of environmental awareness;
  • Develops and implements resource-saving, low-waste, environmentally friendly technologies in production;

    4. Combating corruption:

  • Counteracts all forms of corruption, including theft, bribery (including extortion), legalization ("laundering") of funds obtained by criminal ways.
  • Avoids situations in which a conflict of interest may arise.

The company builds its relationships with consumers, suppliers, government and public organizations and other interested parties on the basis of current legislation (including in terms of personal data protection), as well as rules of conduct developed by the world community, taking into account universal human values.

    Basic ethic principles of OJSC “BSW – management company of “BMC” holding” are as follows:

  1. Trust and respect in doing business as the basis for constructive interaction and support for mutual benefit.
  2. The desire of the parties involved in the business to minimize costs and environmental impacts arising in the process of doing joint business, and to avoid conflicts of interest.
  3. Honest and consistent fulfillment of contractual obligations by business partners, open and responsible corporate governance.
  4. Maintaining the confidentiality of commercial and technical information and data on each other's activities obtained while doing business, non-disclosure of this information to a third party without the consent of the business partner.
  5. Maintaining social stability, development of the region and its infrastructure, environmental protection, timely payment of taxes and wages.
  6. Punctuality, clear and timely fuIfillment of obligations.
  7. Rational use of one's own working time and respect for the time of stakeholders.
  8. Zero tolerance for bribery.
  9. Dress code appropriate to the business environment of the enterprise to maintain the organization's image and show respect for partners and colleagues.

General Director OJSC “BSW-management company of “BMC” holding” Dmitriy Korchik, 14.02.2025