Code of ethics

Code of ethics

Code of ethics

Open Joint Stock Company “Byelorussian Steel Works - management company of “Byelorussian Metallurgical Company” holding” is an export-
oriented and socially responsible enterprise carrying out its business on the basis of generally recognized principles and norms of international law, UN Global Compact, standardsand conventions of International labororganization and legislation of the Republicof Belarus:

    In the field of human rights:

  • supportsand respects protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
  • recognizes the inviolability of human rights (including prohibition of trafficking in people) and takes all necessary measures to ensure and
    protectthem (including personal data protection);
  • maintains a continuous escalation process for timely response by the systems "Direct telephone line", "One window", "Attention to a
    person " , " Reception on personal questions" , " Electronic reception of the General Director" etc.(includinganonymous requests from employees)

    In the field of labor relations:

  • supports freedom of integration and real acceptance of the rightto conclude collective agreements;
  • supports complete extermination of children labor;
  • supports liquidation of discrimination in labor and employment sector (employment, remuneration, training, etc.) and does not prevent
    satisfaction of needsthat may be the reason foritsdemonstration;
  • supports elimination of any form of forced labor, harassment, exploitation, abuse or violence (psychological, physical), as well as behavior
    (gestures, expressions, etc.) that isthreatening, abusive, etc.;
  • aspires to provide competitive wages;
  • ensures compliance with working conditions, including working hoursand overtime hours;
  • creates and ensures safe and healthy working conditions, takes measures to prevent possible accidents, assesses all possible dangerous
    situations and risk sinthe workplace for all categories of employees(including pregnant women,nursing mothers) to take measures to eliminate or reduce them.

    In the field of environment protection:

  • comply with environmental regulationsand requirements during product development and manufacture, construction, reconstruction and
    expansion of production facilities;
  • contributes to the improvement of environmental cultureof the staff and education of environmental awareness;
  • developsand implements resource-saving, low-waste, environmentally friendly technologies.

    In the field of anti-corruption drive:

  • Withstands to all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery (including by extortion), legalization (“laundering”) of funds obtained by
    criminal means.
  • Avoids situations in which a conflict of interest may arise.

The company builds its relationships with consumers, suppliers, state and public organizations and other interested parties on the basis of the current legislation (including with regard to personal data protection), as well as the rules of conduct developed by the world community, taking into account universal values.

    Basic ethic principles of OJSC “BSW – management company of “BMC” holding” are as follows:

  1. Business is based on confidence and respect as the basisof constructive interrelation and assistance aimed at gainingof mutual benefit.
  2. The parties involved in the business strive to minimize the costs and environmental impact arising in the course of joint business and to avoid conflicts of interest.
  3. Business partners honestly and consistently fulfill contractual obligations, openly and responsibly carryout corporate management.
  4. Conf idential ity of commercial and technical information and data on each other's activities obtained in the course of business relations, non-
    disclosure of this information to a third party without consent of a business partner.
  5. Maintaining of social stability and development of the region and its infrastructure, environment protection, paying of taxes and wages in a
  6. Punctuality, clearand timely implementation of commitments.
  7. Rational use of own working time and time of interested parties.
  8. Zero tolerance to bribery.
  9. Business style of clothing, corresponding to the main purpose of activity to maintain the image of a serious, reliable, stable company and
    respectfor partners and colleagues.

General Director OJSC “BSW-management company of “BMC” holding” Dmitriy Korchik, 15.02.2024