


Environment-related activity

OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" realizes that its production activities are associated with adverse environmental impact and makes every possible effort to minimize such influence on life activity of the people. Byelorussian Steel Works takes specific steps to reduce environmental impact and minimize risks of global climate change. These steps are a part of the strategy, intended to ensure dynamic development of the plant. The company is engaged in large-scale modernization of equipment and technologies taking into account enhancing environmental requirements, which enables the plant to reduce release of pollutants into the atmosphere and reduce generated waste quantities.

Byelorussian Steel Works is the company guided in its activities by one of the priorities of the state policy, i.e. environmental safety. Implementation of the state policy is ensured by effective Environment Management System (EMS). EMS is a part of unified enterprise management system which is responsible for system approach to environment protection in all spheres of production activities of the plant and is integrated into the processes of quality management system, management of labour safety and social responsibility. EMS is a tool enabling the company to monitor and minimize the level of ecological impact from production activities on the environment in the region of its location.

As part of operating environmental management system, the company identified a number of factors of environmental influence, evaluated them by their significance. Aiming to reduce the environmental impact of production activities, the company introduces environmental actions annually, aimed at reduction of development pressures on the environment.

Efficiency of ecological management system adopted by BSW is ensured by assistance and under guidance of the top management. The stand of the management on ecology and environmental activity is set out in Corporate Policy of the company and other regulatory documents of the Corporate Management System.

BSW aspires to increase the share of products complying with the standards of quality management systems, provide its products with ecological quality and safety data and appropriate marking.

Main principles and approaches

Long-term strategic targets of the plant in ecological and environmental activity cover the following areas:

  • minimizing the impact of the plant on life activity of the region;
  • minimizing the impact of the plant on flora and fauna;
  • natural resources management;
  • energy conservation;
  • air-pollution control;
  • water-pollution control;
  • waste product management;
  • training;
  • improving ecological culture of the personnel and ecological consciousness education;
  • development and introduction resource-saving, low waste and environmentally benign technologies;
  • monitoring emissions and discharges of hazardous wastes, qualification of work places;
  • compliance with ecological norms and requirements in design and production, construction, reconstruction and expansion of production facilities;
  • preparedness to emergency situations.

In its ecological activities, the plant adheres to the following:

  • compliance with the law and legal norms of the Republic of Belarus;
  • involvement of all segments and participants of business processes;
  • improvement of EMS;
  • minimizing environmental impact in connection with expanding production activities;
  • disclosure of complete and reliable information on the plant’s performance;
  • higher responsibility;
  • providing for optimal expenditure/ performance ratio;
  • maintaining reasonable balance between the plant's interests and those of the community.

EMS of OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" has been certified for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 14001-2017 standards and applies to design, development and production of concast billet, rolled sections, structural shapes, wire rod, seamless pipes, steel cord, wire and steel fiber, which is the evidence of system approach implemented to reduce ecological risk probability, decrease of environmental payments, represents the company as an ecologically responsible enterprise and improve interaction with concerned parties regarding compliance with ecological norms and requirements.

Along with available approved medium-term ecological programs, there are environmental control programs and environment protection plans at the plant, worked out and endorsed yearly by corresponding regulatory authorities which, but not limited to, envisage regular ecological monitoring and control in accordance with the Instruction on the implementation of industrial observations in the field of environmental protection, rational use of natural resources .

Use of renewable energy sources:

According to the state statistical reporting data in the 12-tek form, 25 tons of oil equivalent (732.69 GJ) of energy in the form of renewable energy sources was used in 2022, 25 toe (732.69GJ) - in 2023.