January 1 — The 10th anniversary of Technical development department
January 4 — BSW employees participated in ‘With all our hearts’ event and visited Kirovsk Nursing Hospital and Halch psychoneurological residential facility for the elderly and the disabled. Within ‘Our children’ event adoptive families based on Zhlobin district were visited
January 14 — BSW employees participated in requiem-meeting devoted to the 80th year after the tragedy in the village of Ola
January 13 — BSW team is a winner in skiing contest (as a part of year-round sports contest 2024)
January 13 — BSW team ranked first in VI individual & team Christmas open tournament in kettlebell lifting in Soligorsk
January 16 — The 40th anniversary of Power Equipment Repair shop
January 29 — BSW team has been recognized as a winner in a year-round sports contest among the organizations and companies based in Zhlobin district with a headcount of more than 500 persons
February 2 — The 40th anniversary of capital construction department
February 4 — At the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, BSW employees who back then fulfilled their international duty were recognized: Scrap Yard operator Radiy Shaidullin was awarded the Gratitude of the Zhlobin District Executive Committee, BSW labour veteran Nikolai Ivanchikov was awarded the Certificate of the Zhlobin District Military Commissariat. For his significant personal contribution to the patriotic education of the youth and loyalty to the principles of Afghan brotherhood, the Chairman of the Council of Internationalist Soldiers, Alexander Sintsov, was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Zhlobin District Executive Committee.
February 15 — BSW employees participated in meeting- requiem devoted to Remembrance Day of Internationalist Soldiers
February 15 — At the final conference of United Organization of the Belarusian Union of Women of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, site foreman (Utilities shop) Shitikova Tatyana was awarded the title “Woman of the Year” in the “Active Citizenship” category. For significant personal contribution to the development of United Organization of the Belarusian Women's Union of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, Anna Novichkova, a liquid purification operator of the 4th category (Сhemical treatment facility, Steel Wire shop-1), and Elena Lutsay, a lead auditor of the audit department (Legal Support & Economic Security dpt.), were also awarded
February 16 — As part of Awareness day, BSW was visited by the head of Internal affairs department of Gomel regional executive committee, A.I. Shastailo
February 16 — Metallurgist House of Culture hosted traditional annual ceremony of prize presentation, i.e. ‘Professional Olympus – 2023’ in 21 nominations: ‘Leader in production’, ‘Success of the year’, ‘Leader in Procurement’, ‘Leader in Energy Efficiency’, ‘Leader in Energy Efficiency’ (‘Legendary Person’, ‘Discovery of the Year’, ‘Foreman of the Year’, ‘Team of the Year’, ‘Personal Contribution in to the common cause’, ‘Mentor of the Year’, ‘Start of the Year’, ‘Professional of the Year’, ‘Idea of the Year’, ‘Leader in Production among Unitary Enterprises’, ‘Professional of the Year’, ‘The Best in Profession’, ‘Service of the Year’, ‘Initiative of the Year’, ‘Talent of the Year’, ‘Sportsman of the Year’, ‘For Spiritual Renovation’, ‘I give my heart to people’
February 17 — Annual sports contest ‘Defender of Motherland’ was held uniting more than 70 BSW employees
February 23 — BSW employees participated in the meeting devoted to the Day of Motherland Defenders & Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus
February 23 — 40 years ago Financial department was set up
February 24 — International observers (Kazakhstan) over election of deputies on Single Voting Day visited BSW
February 25 — On the Single Voting Day 10 steel makers were elected to be deputies on different levels: A.A.Malobitski (chief specialist (ideological work) – Head of Information, Ideology & Personnel Development department has been elected to the House of Representatives in the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, D.A.Korchik has been elected to be a deputy in Gomel regional Council of deputies, S.P.Zhigunov, S.M.Tormanov, I.S.Dikovitsky, A.A.Makarevich, E.V.Ragozik, A.V.Sintsov, S.M.Yadchenko, A.I.Prikhodko have been elected to Zhlobin district Council of deputies
February 28 — 10 years after Unitary enterprise ‘Metallurgsotsservise’ was set up
March 1 - 7 — BSW employees Andrei Ananchikov and Alexei Prikhodko participated in Worldwide Youth Festival -2024 in Sochi
March 5 — 10 years after Unitary Enterprise ‘BSW –Ecoservice’ was set up
March 5 — Chairperson of primary organization Public Association ‘Belarusian Women's Union’ (BSW) I.V.Antipova participated in the meeting of the President of the Republic of Belarus with activists of Public Association ‘Belarusian Women's Union’
March 7 — A gala event and a gala concert dedicated to Women's Day took place. In a solemn ceremony, the names of 9 BSW employees awarded the title “Woman of the Works” were announced
March 20 — 35 years after Chief Electrician department was set up
March 22 — BSW hosted an annual trade union conference
March 27 — Chairperson of Gomel regional executive committee I.I.Krupko had a meeting with BSW staff
April — Over 80 Company’s employees took part in the republican action “Let’s Reforest Together!” by planting more than 21 hectares of forest crops
April 6 — Steel workers took prizes in the regional race “Running. Will. Beauty”, dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and the 100th anniversary of the Zhlobin region
April 12 — Zhlobin residents brought one first and three second places from the 1st regional show-competition of artistic creativity among organizations of the Gomel region of the BELPROFMASH Trade Union, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the trade union movement in Belarus. First place in the nomination “Instrumental genre” went to Sergey Zhevnerchuk, in the nomination “Choreography” the group “Lady Dance” took second place, second place in the nomination “Vocal”, the category “Solo” was taken by brothers Artur and Stanislav Bazhans, in the nomination “Original genre” the second place was won by the BSW theater group
April 16 — Metallurg hockey players won the President's Cup for the third time in a row. In the final playoff series with a score of 4:0, Metallurg confidently beat Brest. That is the fourth championship title in the club's history (2012, 2022, 2023 and 2024)
April 25 — Sales Department celebrated its 40th anniversary
April 19 — The family of the deputy chairman of the trade union committee, Artyom Makarevich, became the winner of the 2nd qualifying round of the regional stage of the republican competition “Family of the Year 2024”, and on May 16, the Makarevichs took 2nd place in the regional stage
April 26 — Company’s youth team won the environmental quest “Clean Games”, beating 19 teams from all over the region
May 3 — 40 years since the founding of Central Plant Laboratory
May 7 — Young steel workers Ivan Timeiko (Transport Logistics Department) for achievements in the field of physical culture and sports, Alexander Strelchenko (Technical Board) for achievements in the field of science and education and Yegor Filonov (Chief Mechanic Department) for high achievements in professional activities became the winners of the regional youth award “Constellation”
May 8 — In the regional patriotic song competition “The Word Victory Is Inscribed on Our Banners!” The Grand Prix went to wire drawing operator of Steel Wire Shop-1 Artur Bazhan
May 14 — 40 years since the founding of Planning & Economic Analysis Department
May 25-26 — BSW’s employees became the winners of the first Republican Forum of Working Youth “We are the Same Age as Modern and Prosperous Belarus”
May 29 — Byelorussian Steel Works was recognized as the winner of the “Industry Leaders of the Republic of Belarus” competition in the “Company of the Year – Leader in the Field of Improving Product Quality” category
May 31 — According to the results of regional competitions of sanitary units of civil defense, BSW sanitary squad was recognized as the best
June 1 — International Children’s Day, a presentation of an exhibition of children’s drawings was held based on the results of the “I Want to be a Steel Worker” competition. This year, 62 young artists took part in the traditional event. According to the terms of the competition, the best works will decorate the corporate calendar of children's drawings for 2025
June 5 — Company’s employees, together with other companies participating in the UN Global Compact, took part in the annual volunteer event dedicated to World Environment Day at the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
June 7 — The machine operator of the Paporotnoye-Agro branch, Aleksandr Kazakov, became the winner of the republican review-competition “Best Plowman” as part of the Belagro-2024 exhibition. In addition to winning the individual championship, he received another award: according to the results of the competition, Alexander became the best in the team championship among experienced tractor drivers as part of the Gomel region team
June 11 — 25 years since the laying of the capsule with an appeal to descendants at mill 150 of Rolling Mill Shop No. 1
June 14-16 — At the recreation center “Dnieper Dawns” in the village of Shikhov, a large-scale youth festival of culture and sports “Svarog” took place, which brought together more than 300 participants from 10 teams. Based on the results of 13 different types of competitions, the winner of the festival for the second year in a row was the team of Pipe Rolling Shop “IRON VIKINGS”, which won four cups at once - BSW, Festival, Sports and Tourism. The winner of the Culture Cup was the “Rolled metal” team. BY.CORD team took second place at the festival
June 19 — Labor veterans became the winners of the regional review-competition of artistic creativity of veteran organizations in the category “Musical and Choreographic Groups”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Zhlobin region
June 26 — During a solemn meeting dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Zhlobin from the Nazi invaders, a memory capsule was laid, which collected soil from 16 burial sites of Soviet soldiers in the Zhlobin region. The capsule was made by activists of the Company primary organization Republican Public Association “Belaya Rus”
June 28 — 20 years since the founding of Industrial Safety Department
July 1 — 20 years since the founding of Repairs Organization & Technical Diagnostics Department
July 3 — Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus – steel workers became the winners of the theatrical procession-competition “Every Belarusian Celebrates” with the participation of about 30 labor collectives of companies and organizations of the Zhlobin region
July 11 — Ekaterina Zenkevich (member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly, a chairperson in Gomel regional Council of Deputies) had a meeting with BSW activists
July 6 — BSW held an Open Day
July 11 — Just before Metallurgist Day, X amateur creativity contest ‘Creativity & Steel Quality of Work’ was held. It was devoted to 120th anniversary of trade union movement, 100th anniversary of Zhlobin district and 40th anniversary of BSW. A panel of judges was supposed to assess 14 items from various genres. Melting shop – 1 was the winner, Utilities shop ranked the second, administration team ranked the third
July 17 — In the context of the 100th anniversary of Zhlobin district steel-makers presented the town with sculptures crafted in the steel mill. These sculptures jazzed up the places of leisure popular among the local people
July 17 — The results of the Republican contest ‘The Best Exporter 2023’ were summarized and BSW was the winner in ‘Metallurgy’ nomination
July 19 — Festive events dedicated to Metallurgist's Day were held: a track and field relay race on Metallurgists' Boulevard, the unveiling of the sculpture of Steelworker, a rally at the memorial plaque of D.L. Akopov with the participation of veterans of labor and youth, awarding of the employees which had been added on to the company's Honor Board and the Book of Honor, a ceremonial meeting dedicated to Metallurgist's Day
July 26 — The 40th anniversary of Technical control dpt
July 28 — Software engineer (Automation dpt.) Alesia Govor ranked the second in district youth contest ‘AutoLady-2024’
August 2 — The updated Honor Board of Zhlobin district now includes Nikolai Zyatikov (P&ID technician) in Melting shop-1, Melting shop-2 Nikolai Zyatikov, who became the winner in the nomination "The best worker in the industry, transport, communications, energy sector". The cook of "Metallurgsotsservis" Elena Yarmysh became the winner in the nomination "The best worker in the trade industry (trade and public catering, consumer services). The construction unitary enterprise "Zhlobinmetallurgstroy" was recognized as "The best organization in the housing and communal services, construction"
August 10 — 40th anniversary of Design & Reconstruction dpt
August — Women’s movement in the company celebrated the 20th anniversary
Summer — For the first time, BSW hosted 4 student teams, which included 78 students from the metallurgical college. Based on the results of the 3rd work semester, BSW became the best host organization in the Zhlobin district
August 16 — Six gold, ten silver and five bronze medals were brought by metallurgists from the IV regional sports contest of employees of BELPROFMASH enterprises, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and the 120th anniversary of the trade union movement. Athletes from 14 teams competed in such sports as volleyball, mini-football, swimming, table tennis, darts, shooting and billiards. According to the results of the competition, BSW employees won 2nd place in the overall team competition
August 23-25 — BSW employees as part of the Zhlobin district team took 2nd place in the regional tourist rally "Unity-2024"
September 1 — The 40th anniversary of Technical dpt
September 9 — By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, 6 company’s employees were awarded the medal "For Labor Achievements"
September 11-15 — Alexei Prihodko (shop foreman for P&ID, a deputy in Zhlobin district Council of Deputies) participated in ‘Young people champion the Union State’ in Smolensk
September 12 — On the eve of National Unity Day, metallurgists - activists of public organizations of BSW - took part in the regional motor rally "Roads of Memory" and the ceremony of reburial of the remains of Soviet soldiers in the village of Zlomnoye
September 12 — In Zhlobin, on the initiative and with the support of metallurgists, sports contest "Power of Generations" was held for the first time, uniting working youth, members of ‘Belarusian Republican Youth Union’ and ‘Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization’
September 12 — Denis Yarmysh (a repairman at rolling shop No. 2) became one of the participants in the meeting of the President of the Republic of Belarus with representatives of different nationalities living in Belarus
September 13 — At the Lokomotiv stadium, about 70 company’s employees took part in the district-level sports event aiming to pass Belarusian physical culture and health tests "Ready for Labor and Defense"
September 24 — The award ceremony for the winners of "Competence-2023" competition was held at Belarusian Industrial & Innovation Forum. BSW Central In-house Laboratory was recognized as the winner of the republican competition for the 4th time in its history. The Chief Metrologist's Department won in the "Calibration Laboratory" nomination. By the way, this is the 3rd winning: before that, the laboratory was recognized as the best in 2014 and 2020
September — Metallurgists took the initiative and equipped a new playground near the Sports & Recreation center: a branded play complex, swings, sandboxes and benches for parents and children were installed near the company’s dormitories
September 25 — The 20th anniversary republican competition of welders of Belarus with international participation was held in Minsk, in which the third place was taken by Vladimir Sidorov (BSW electric gas welder)
October 9 — Metallurgists raised BSW flag on top of Elbrus
October 15 — The 40th anniversary of Automation dpt
October 15 — Melting shop-1 celebrated the 40th anniversary. This date had become the starting point in BSW history i.e. electrical furnace was put into operation back on October 15, 1984, and at noon the first bright flow of steel а flowed down the strands of continuous casting machine
October — BSW celebrated massively its 40th anniversary. The program of festive events was rich and vibrant: mini-football "Tournament of Four", an exhibition of children's drawings "Sparking Impressions of the Plant", Young Specialist Day, the opening of the year-round sports contest, track and field relay race, a youth bike ride, a ceremonial meeting "40 years: towards new achievements!" and a ceremony of laying flowers at the bust of the first director of BSW D.L.Akopov, "BSW Youth Award", beauty, grace and style contest "Steel Lady", planting of a memorial alley at the memorial "To Children - Victims of War" in the village of Krasny Bereg, a gala evening and a festive concert at the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists "And we became stronger than steel!.." with the participation of Belarusian pop stars, a festive concert on the site near the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists with the participation of Belarusian pop stars and the popular Russian singer NILETTO, get-together named "Let's sing the plant's anthem together", a fire show, fireworks, a disco, a charity hockey match with the participation of the plant's team "Metallurg"
October 17 — The 40th anniversary of Safety dpt
October 25 — As part of the Republican social & cultural action "Unity Marathon", BSW was visited by participants of the action, as well as journalists and bloggers. The guests went on a tour of the plant's territory, and then got acquainted with the samples of finished products of Steel cord & wire shop-1. As part of the action, the "Interesting Dialogue" was held in the Zhlobin Metallurgical College: in the format of an open dialogue and interaction, the speakers - Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Ekaterina Petrutskaya and General Director of BSW Dmitry Korchik - touched upon such topical issues as volunteering and mutual assistance, information hygiene, the political course of the state and elections. At the "Unity Marathon", a new project "We do one thing" was presented: two general directors at once - BSW and BELSHINA talked to the company’s employees at Steel cord &Wire shop -1
November 5 — Rolling shop №1 celebrated the 40th anniversary
November 7 — At the district-level festival "Dazhynki-2024" employees of the Paporotnoye-Agro branch were awarded. Nikolay Drazdov became the best driver in transportation of grain from harvesting machines. The honorary diploma of the Zhlobin District Executive Committee was awarded to the chief livestock specialist Valentina Goncharova. Gratitude of the Zhlobin District Executive Committee was announced to the HR specialist Galina Markavtsova and the storekeeper Galina Drobnaya. The Paporotnoye-Agro branch became the winner of the district showcase contest for the best handicraft from straw
November 12 — The award ceremony for the winners of the anniversary 10th Republican competition "Leader of Energy Efficiency of the Republic of Belarus-2024", dedicated to the Year of Quality, was held at the President Hotel. BSW was included in the list of 10 most titled companies/enterprises participating in the competition "Leader of Energy Efficiency" for 10 years. In 2024, BSW was awarded the 1st degree winner's diploma for the installation of steam accumulator tanks in the utilities shop. The enterprise of the holding OJSC "Minsk Bearing Plant" received the 2nd degree winner's diploma for production of an energy-efficient three-phase asynchronous motor ЗАIR80B6
November 19 — Within the press-tour ‘25 years of Belarus & Russia Union State’ journalists from leading Russian mass media visited BSW
November 25-27 — Two BSW author teams became laureates of the Foundry and Metallurgists Association award at the International Scientific and Technical Conference and Information Exhibition "Foundry Production and Metallurgy 2024. Belarus. In the nomination "For Contribution to the Development of Foundry and Metallurgical Production" the author team consisting of Sergey Konovalenko, Vyacheslav Puteyev, Alexander Kovalev, Alexander Bugrimov, Andrey Protasevich, Vyacheslav Morozov, Nikita Tyurin and Oleg Sazykin was awarded. In the nomination "Best Scientific and Production Work of a Young Scientist or Engineer" the laureates were Alexander Chaevsky, Sergey Konovalenko and Alexander Bugrimov
December 5 — BSW representatives took part in Forum of responsible business mounted by the office of UN Global Compact in Belarus
December 7 — The company’s employees participated in charity run ‘Bright Vertical’ held in the National library of Belarus
December 10 — BSW received a high award from the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus for the best arrangement of safety in the nomination ‘The best arrangement of safety in production sector with more than 3,000 employees’
December 13 — Presentation of corporate calendar 2025
December 13 — Two company’s employees became prize-winners in XXVI regional festival of Afghan song ‘Time has chosen us!’. In the nomination ‘For the best song dramaturgy’ Sergei Zmushko (warehousing facility) was awarded, Audience Choice Award was given to the duet of Denis Portnov (Steel rolling mill-2) and Kristina Sorokina. Apart from the laureates, one more BSW employee was mentioned, namely Alexander Sintsov. The Chairman of the district organization of ‘Belarusian Union of Veterans of the War in Afghanistan’ was awarded the Certificate of Honor by District Council of Deputies
December 19 — The 70th anniversary of Zhlobin quarry
December 19-20 — BSW team took 2nd place in the republican cybersport tournament among primary trade union organizations of BELPROFMASH trade union
December 30 — The information meeting with BSW employees was held by S.B. Yarets (Chairman of Zhlobin District Executive Committee)