

Veiws 11088

BMZ increased wire rod export to the European Unit

Based on the results of 9 months of 2020 OJSC “BSW– management company of “BMC” holding” exported more than 200 thousand tons of wire rod to the countries of the EU which amounts 122 % compared to the same period of the previous year. This production accounts for more than a quarter of the total volume plant shipments to the EU market.


Veiws 10330

Award «Best exporter of 2019» was given to BSW

Laureates of republican competition «Best Exporter of 2019"were awarded at meeting of Gomel regional government on October 22. The award of BSW team - honorary cup and certificate - was presented by the chairman of Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vladimir Ulahovich to the general director of the enterprise Dmitriy Korchik. 


Veiws 10893

BMZ produced 700 thousandth ton of bronzed bead wire

A significant production milestone was passed by the staff of Steel Wire Workshop No.1 of OJSC “BMZ” - managing company of “BMK” holding”. There was produced the 700,000th ton of bronzed bead wire. Anniversary products were shipped to the consumer in Portugal.


Veiws 10316

The Laureates of the Youth Award Were Named at BMZ

On October 9, in the Cultural Center of Metallurgists, an annual youth ball was held for the employees of OJSC “BMZ” - the managing company of the “BMK” holding. The names of the winners of the BMZ Youth Prize-2020 were announced in the course of ceremony. The awarding ceremony was divided into three nominations: "To the Steel Heights", "Breakthrough of the Year" and "the Energy of Victories".