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2019-04-24 Views 1350

BSW management took part in mountain ash avenue planting in support of 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Trees avenue of 17 mountain ashes was planted on April 22, international day of Earth Mother, in support of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The representatives of United Nations Global Compact net in Belarus took part in this activity. BSW also endorsed public initiative it was presented by Deputy General Director for personnel and ideology Kulakovski Andrey Alekseevich. More...

2019-04-25 Views 1229

Belorussian metallurgists strengthen international ties.

The trip to Germany of students of Faculty of Mechanics and Technology of the Belarusian National Technical University is scheduled for May of present year and in June Belorussian delegation will take part in international forum of metallurgical and melting technologies to be held in Dusseldorf. The chairman of Association of Foundry and Metallurgists of Belarus, Anatoliy Savenok, general director of  OJSC «BSW – management company of «BMC» holding announced this at the board meeting. More...

2019-04-26 Views 1333

BSW was given Government Prize for good achievement in the field of quality

 On the 24th of April Prime Minister of Belarus Sergey Rumas presented awards to the winners of the competition for the Government award for achievements in the field of quality in 2018.  OJSC «BSW – management company of «BMC» holding is also among the organizations that confirmed the title of laureate of prestigious award. More...

2019-05-03 Views 1331

Quality management system conference was held at BSW

   Conference dedicated to modern methods of quality management and risk-based thinking was held at OJSC ‘BSW – management company of ‘BMC’ holding on April, 26. At that day BSW became the place of experience changing between the specialists of BMC holding and other enterprises of Gomel region. More...

2019-05-31 Views 1269

Pioneer heat will take place at BSW

   On May, 18th at OJSC «BSW — management company of «BMC» holding» will be repeated the first pioneer heat. The event, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of BSW and Day of pioneer friendship will be attended by pupils from different regions of Belarus. More...