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Veiws 3131

Director of distributing company of BSW was appointed Honorary Consul of Belarus in Italy

Roberto Gotti, director of Dismas Trading, was appointed honorary consul of Belarus in Brescia city (Italy) with authority within the territorial regions: Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli–Venezia Giulia.

With the assumption of such honorary status on Roberto Gotti, a partner of BSW, he was assigned functions for protection of rights and interests of Belarus, export promotion of Belorussian goods to Italy, establishment of contacts on fields of mutual interest.
   Dismas Trading has been the distributor of OJSC “BSW - Management Company of “BMC” holding” at Italian market for the last 8 years. Through the company which is included in the BMZ distribution network, various types of rolled steel products and seamless pipes are sold to Italy. As previously reported, early November, OJSC “Development Bank of Belarus” signed with Dismas Trading the agreement regarding financing of export deliveries of BSW to Italian market.
   The team of the Byelorussian Steel Works congratulates Roberto Gotti with his appointment as honorary consul and wishes success in the diplomatic career.