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2019-02-18 Views 1535

Chairman of Republican public organization “Belaya Rus” Gennady Davydko visited BSW

A member of the Council of the Republic of  National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Deputy Chairman of Standing Committee on regional policy and local self-administration, Chairman of Republican public organization “Belaya Rus” Gennady Davydko visited OJSC “BSW- management company of “BMC” holding” on January, 22. More...

2019-03-06 Views 1211

Actually every second day in 2018 BSW was audited

50 external audits were conducted at OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" in 2018: 35 among them were conducted by certification authorities, 15 by consumers of products. Preliminary, one can say that in 2018 BSW experienced 179 audit-days, which demonstrates a big range of products produced, large sales geography and consumer’s big interest in BSW. More...

2019-03-06 Views 1414

BSW will hold republican seminar for harmonization of international standards for Byelorussian mechanical engineering sector

In 2nd half of February OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" will hold republican seminar ‘Prospects for mechanical engineering enterprises in Belarus to use hot rolled round bars produced by BSW considering harmonization of international standards’. Representatives from state administration and scientific organizations as well as managers of mechanical engineering companies will participate in the large-scale forum. More...

2019-03-06 Views 1223

Consumers of BSW products showed max. Net Promoter Score to the plant

Based on the survey, customers of OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" demonstrated  Net Promoter Score to Byelorussian producer of steel products in 2018 as 81,4 per cent. This is the highest level for recent four years during which BSW monitors this parameter. More...

2019-03-07 Views 1336

BSW commissioned a new machine producing large size steel cord

March 1st: new machine producing steel cord for large size and super large size tyres was commissioned in steel wire shop – 2 (OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding"). New equipment of Italian company ‘GCR’, procured with assistance of republican innovation fund, will extend size range of this product and increase its output. More...