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2008-03-10 Views 2837

The impact resistance of seamless pipes produced at BMZ six times higher the value required as per European Standard.

This result was obtained during the testing of pipes carried out jointly with TUV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. In compliance with the information obtained from Central Laboratory of RUE “Byelorussian Steel Works” by correspondent of BELTA the resistance value of Byelorussian pipes after the heat treatment is 170 J while the minimal permissible value indicated in the standard is 27 J. More...

2008-11-24 Views 2801

The Byelorussian system of laboratories accreditation pretends to get the recognition in EC.

The Byelorussian system of laboratories accreditation pretends to get the recognition in the European body of accreditation DAP. This topic was discussed today in Minsk in the negotiations of Gosstandard of Belarus with the representative of the Federal Institution of investigations and tests of materials BAM (Germany), as communicates the correspondent of BELTA. More...