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2017-01-21 Views 77362

BSW disproves information concerning "problems" with Byelorussian wire rod at Polish market

On December, 20, 2016 daily Polish newspaper «Rzeczpospolita» published an article with the title «European Community is going to protect steel market» and included inadequate information relating OJSC «BSW — management company of «BMC» holding». In particular, commenting the situation Chairman of the Chamber of commerce and industry, Stefan Dzennyak said: «We have just solved the problem with flow of rebars from Belarus to Poland and already faced another problem with wire rod from the same plant…». BSW being the only one manufacturer of wire rod in Belarus strongly objects to that statement. More...

2017-02-28 Views 28125

BMZ has been recognized as scientific organization

Year of Science begins for BMZ with remarkable event: OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" obtained Accreditation Certificate as scientific organization. This decision was taken based on results of science-technical and innovation activities of the enterprise. These results were reviewed by experts from National committee for science and technologies of the Republic of Belarus and National Academy of Science in Belarus. More...

2017-03-03 Views 16434

BMZ is the winner of the award of the Ministry of Industry

The project of the specialists from Byelorussian Steel Works won the award of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus 2016 in the field of science and engineering. The award was presented to BMZ representatives on February 16. More...

2017-03-28 Views 47752

Report-and-election conference at BMZ

On March 24, 2017 the report-and-election conference of BMZ primary trade union was held at Palace of Culture of Metallurgists. About 400 delegates represented more than 11 thousands of workers. 96,5 % of BMZ team are the trade-union members. Within the conference the metallurgists discussed completed activities of collective agreement of 2016 (amendment and addendum). More...

2017-04-07 Views 32231

We conquer steel heights Belarusian Steel Works: our target this year is to carve out new nishes

What do the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, London and Sochi Olympic facilities, the Panama Canal breakwaters, the National Library of Belarus and the Warsaw National Stadium have in common? These sites, as well as many others all over the world, were built and renovated with the use of the metal materials produced by the OJSC "Belarusian Steel Works – management company of "Belarusian Metallurgical Company" holding". During its 30-year history the enterprise, located in Zhlobin, has truly become the country's national asset, the flagship of Belarusian industry, a large exporter known on five continents. Anatoly Savenok, General Director of the OJSC "BSW – management company of "BMC" holding" has told "Mercury" about the conquest of "steel heights" and the difficulties that Zhlobin metallurgists face. More...