

Veiws 2021

BMZ people were awarded Certificates of Honour on the Day of Byelorussian Science

The best representatives of Byelorussian National Academy of Science were recognized at ceremonial meeting devoted to the Day of Byelorussian Science on January 29. Two representatives of Byelorussian Steel Works are among those recognized by the authorities in the run-up to the Day.

Oleg Mihailovich Kirilenko (deputy chief engineer for development of rolling production) was highly appraised for implementation of one of the biggest in the company and in the country investment projects of the past five-year period, namely construction of Rolling shop № 2. The concept of the upcoming construction, negotiations with supplying companies, construction-and-installation work, commissioning were being determined with direct participation of Oleg Mihailovich. O.M.Kirilenko was awarded the Certificate of Honour from Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus for considerable contribution into implementation of this project, as well as for development of metallurgical field, enhancement of the technology and efficiency of production.

Stanislav Kazimirovich Makarevich (senior foreman in Training center) contributed a lot into training of the staff during all his employment years. He initiated and established corporate remote training system LearnBmz, created 17 special videos, developed elements of module training system, etc. S.K.Makarevich was awarded the Certificate of Honour from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus for his honest labour of many years and personal contribution into development of metallurgy.

It should be noted that BMZ cares so much for science closely related to production process within all its history. Close cooperation has been established between BMZ and the core organizations both in Belarus and abroad. At present, 7 Candidates of Science and 69 postgraduates and candidates for a master's degree work for BMZ. A good example of efficient cooperation between science and production: the share of innovative products out of total output was approx. 20 per cent in 2015.
