

Veiws 3485

The Board of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus had a meeting at BMZ

August 8: the Board of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus had a meeting at OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding". The performance of the enterprises and organizations from the Industry sector over January – June 2015 was summed up, as well as the task was set to reach forecast figures of social & economic development over 9 month of 2015.

The participants of the Board: deputy prime-minister of the Republic of Belarus V.I.Semashko, Minister of Industry of the Republic of Belarus V.М.Vovk, deputy chairman of the Council of the Republic of National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus А.М. Rusetski, chairman of republican Association of industrial enterprises А.D.Harlap, as well as representatives from Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Transport, committee on science and technologies, regional executive committees, heads of holdings, banks, Federation of Byelorussian trade unions, central office of the ministry.

The first deputy Minister of Industry of the Republic of Belarus G.B.Svidersky made a report on performance in the first half of the year. He noted that unfortunately not all forecast figures were reached. Thus, one of the main figures, i.e. export growth rate did not reach 100%.

— Sure, we can refer to external conditions: devaluation of the Russian ruble, situation in Ukraine, high interest for credits, rates for energy, difference in rate of exchange, etc. It all did not facilitate efficient performance during the first half a year. But our task is to achieve the best result in the existing conditions, — said G.B.Svidersky.

Nevertheless, the actions taken by the enterprises of the Ministry of Industry to diversify export ensured positive dynamics of deliveries to South-East Asia (rate is 174,8%), African countries (rate is 103,7%) and increase from 15% to 24,8% to the EU countries and from 4,6% to 5,9% to Asia.

Within January – June 2015 the organizations of the Ministry of Industry exported the goods to the amount of USD 1590,9 mln. There is a positive balance of the goods, which is USD 861,2 mln.

Deputy Minister noted that we managed to reach energy-saving figure. It is minus 5,9% over January – March 2015, which is, undoubtedly, a positive result for this branch of industry.


A number of heads of holdings of the Ministry of Industry made their reports on the performance in the first half of the year. Review of the causes due to which the set figures were not reached. Priority directions were fixed.

— All the issues raised should be treated as the challenges to be resolved, — noted V.I.Semashko in the final speech. — It is necessary to look for possibilities to market the products, but not to fill the warehouses with them. Many countries are gradually recovering after recession, economy is reviving in Europe. That is why our industry should also have better performance in the second half of the year vs. the first half. Industrial enterprises have always been and still remain the foundation for the economy. 


Vice-Premier noted the positive example of Byelorussian Steel Works. Despite harsh external conditions and other circumstances, Byelorussian Steel Works delivers their products to 54 countries in the world, invests money into upgrading, implements investment projects, produces successfully new types of products, reaching, at the same time, the set figures. The participants of the Board were given evidence of this when having a tour in the company. In particular, they visited Rolling shop № 2, upgraded continuous caster № 2 in the melting shop № 1, lime kiln № 3, etc. 
