

Veiws 2163

Collective agreement for 2015-2018 was approved at BMZ

On March 19, 2015 the conference of Trade-union Committee was held at BMZ. The subject was acceptance of collective agreement. The delegates discussed the results of 2014 and approved the Collective agreement for 2015-2018.

Anatoly Savenok, General Director of OJSC “BSW – management company of “BMC” holding”, made a report for the participants of the conference about the results of 2014. He noted that in 2014 the enterprise operated under difficult conditions for metallurgy. The main tasks for the staff were severe saving of all material and energy resources, search for new customers, strict production and finance discipline. BMZ has invested USD 363 mln in its development. In spite of an active modernization and a big financial load, BMZ paid great attention to such issues as social protection of young people, guarantees for BMZ labour veterans and industrial safety. The enterprise has invested more than BYB 27,4 billion to implement labour safety activities.


Aleksandr Koleda, Chairman of Trade-union Committee, informed the delegates about the work of Committee in 2014. He gave a detailed account of all activities concerning implementation of each part of the   Collective agreement (9 parts in total). He noted that all paragraphs were carried out and all legal guarantees were met.


Oleg Lashkevitch, Chief of Metallurgy and Machine Tool Industry Dpt. of Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, and Ivan Naumenko, Chairman of Zhlobin Region Executive Committee, addressed a welcoming speech to the delegates. They noted a valuable contribution of BMZ staff to development of the region and Belarusian economy in whole.
