

Veiws 3003

Tubes for American customers

At the end of January the representatives of American company «Tejas Тubular» visited OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding". During the meeting they discussed specification requirements and opportunity of growth of purchased products.

In January Byelorussian Steel Works has shipped more than 1560 tonnes oil-and-gas pipes. According to last year agreements, in 2013 BMZ will sell about 55 thousand tonnes in total. The production will be supplied through Joint Venture «BelKapSteel». This output of oil-and-gas pipes can be reached thanks to finishing line-3 launched in September of 2012.

It’is should be noted that oil-and-gas pipes have to meet strictest quality requirements for this reason it is necessary to work out many details of production process with a customer directly . These issues were discussed by General Director of “Tejas Тubular” Maximo Tejeda, Technical Director Suvojit Chakraborty , Manager of «BelKapStell» Denis Zaitsev and specialists of BMZ .

In 2013 Byelorussian Steel Work expects to increase all pipe sales to 148 thousand tonnes that performs 120% in comparison with last year. Major part of this quantity has been already supported with exact agreements.

