

Veiws 1235

BSW calibration laboratory is the first in the country accredited for compliance with the new standard

Calibration laboratory (from chief metrologist dpt. at OJSC ‘BSW— management company of ‘BMC’ holding’) is the first in the country accredited for compliance with with GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019, which became effective in Belarus in October this year.

New standard is identical to international ISO/IEC 17025:2017 ‘General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories’. It is designed to help build confidence in the activities of laboratories and the recognition of their results in various countries, which is extremely important for BSW as an export-oriented enterprise. 

In fact, immediately after GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2019 becomes effective, the commission of the Belarusian State Center for Accreditation, the Gomel and Mogilev Centers for Standardization, Metrology and Certification conducted an audit to evaluate the activities of BSW chief metrology dpt. Based on the inspection results, not a single non-compliance with the requirements of the standard was revealed. In addition, the scope of accreditation was expanded to calibrate optical emission spectrometers, analyzers of the elemental composition of matter and thermoelectric converters.

It is worth noting that in November this year, the calibration laboratory of BSW chief metrologist department confirmed the compliance of metrological provision with international requirements as part of the parity assessment of the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus by the European Accreditation Organization (EA). During the assessment, close attention of experts from 9 European countries was drawn also to introduction of a new version of the international standard ISO / IEC 17025: 2017.
