Quality management system conference was held at BSW
Conference dedicated to modern methods of quality management and risk-based thinking was held at OJSC ‘BSW – management company of ‘BMC’ holding on April, 26. At that day BSW became the place of experience changing between the specialists of BMC holding and other enterprises of Gomel region.
Igor Shkadretsov head of methodological department of quality and system management of Belarusian State institute of certification and standardization had a speech before the participants of the conference. He covered issues of relevance and motivation for changes of management system of organizations. He spoke about the fundamental differences between quality planning and the traditional position of engineering school. A separate block of his report was the topic of strategic planning and quality achievements based on a risk-based project-process approach.
Unfortunately there are few conference practices on such topics in the Republic of Belarus. And the focus on holding quality by BMZ, the involvement of personnel, managers in such kind of work deserves high praise, - concluded Igor Shkadretsov.
The fact that the priority is always given to quality issues at BSW was confirmed by URS Lead Auditor Alexander Panov.
Deputy General Director for technology and quality Elena Peretyagina spoke about the practical application of modern management methods at Belorussian Steel Works at conference.
Plant observation excursion was arranged at the end of conference. The guests visited steel making, rolling and steel cord and wire shops. Most of the guests visited metallurgic plant for the first time for this reason they had a big interest to communicate with plant specialists and workers of the shops.