

Veiws 1301

BSW management took part in mountain ash avenue planting in support of 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Trees avenue of 17 mountain ashes was planted on April 22, international day of Earth Mother, in support of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The representatives of United Nations Global Compact net in Belarus took part in this activity. BSW also endorsed public initiative it was presented by Deputy General Director for personnel and ideology Kulakovski Andrey Alekseevich.

The participants of the event, the heads of big Belarusian organizations, planted mountain ashes as a sign of well-being and peace in the center of Minsk. In this way they emphasized not only the positions of their organizations realizing the projects of corporate sustainability and social responsibility for many years but their personal interestin achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and preserving the Earth’s resources for future generations. Special plates were installed near every tree with information of SDG in several languages – Belarusian, Russian and English. Now each mountain ash symbolizes one aim of Sustainable Development Goals.

It stands to mention that in 2008 BSW became the first industrial enterprise of Belarus which concluded the direct agreement with UN regarding the joining to Global Sustainability Initiative and supporting of the principles in the field of human rights protection, ecology, fighting corruption and so on. In 2009 the first BSW report for social management was worked out in accordance with the requirements of GRI standard. Since that time it is prepared annually and hosted at official UN website and official website of the plant.

   The organizer of creating of mountain ash avenue was local social fund of Kindness which is also the office of United Nations Global Compact net in Belarus.
