

Veiws 2801

The Byelorussian system of laboratories accreditation pretends to get the recognition in EC.

The Byelorussian system of laboratories accreditation pretends to get the recognition in the European body of accreditation DAP. This topic was discussed today in Minsk in the negotiations of Gosstandard of Belarus with the representative of the Federal Institution of investigations and tests of materials BAM (Germany), as communicates the correspondent of BELTA.

As has mentioned the Director of the Byelorussian state institutions of metrology Nikolay Zhagora, the recognition of the Byelorussian system of accreditation of laboratories by the bodies of certification on the European and the international levels – is one of the most important tasks now, that should be solved to make wider the possibilities of the exporter. Because of this, already 1 year and a half Gosstandard colaborates with a German institution BAM. Some seminars were held by the German specialists in Belarus concerning the European legislation in the different branches including the production of eatables, building products, energy conservation when producing electrical appliances, control of protection of labour.

Except of this, in the frame of this collaboration, two seminars with the participation of the Byelorussian and German specialists took place, where was clarified the acting in Europe including Germany, accreditation system, documents, that regulate this standard activity. The practical audits were held where the collaborators of Gosstandard of the Byelorussian accreditation system were making its work concerning the control of the laboratories and the bodies, and the German specialists were inspected this process ref. the correspondence to the international requirements. Nikolay Zhagora added that in general the evaluation of the German side was positive.

So, now the question of recognition of the Byelorussian accreditation system by the German body DAP is put. The Federal Institution BAM intends to help Belarus to pass all stages to get the European recognition. After carrying out the final audit the decision will be taken.

According to the evaluation of the German side Belarus has two laboratories which can get the accreditation recognized on the international level. One of them is the laboratory of the Byelorussian Steel Works. BMZ intends to get the certificate.

