General Director of BMZ Anatoly Savenok was awarded with Badge "Quality Leader"
General Director of OJSC “Byelorussian Steel Works - management company of holding “Byelorussian Metallurgical Company ” Anatoly Savenok was awarded with Badge “Quality Leader” for personal contribution to the highest achievements in quality development and system management.

This award has been presented on the initiative of Standardization Committee of the Republic of Belarus since 2008. It is presented to the managers of enterprises having certified management systems and being more than once Laureates of prestigious National and International Quality Contests. Byelorussian Steel Works became more than once the winner of Government and Ministry of Industry Contests for achievements in quality development. The enterprise was twice awarded with CIS Prize for product and service quality development. BMZ won the International Quality Tournament of Central and Eastern Europe. In 2009 BMZ was given the standard «Recognized for excellence 5 stars». This high level was confirmed in 2013. In addition, the BMZ representatives became thrice the winners of contest “The best quality manager”.