

Veiws 16304

The BMZ project became the prize winner of the Association of foundrymen and metallurgists of the Republic of Belarus.

The project of Byelorussian Steel Works “Organization of rolling production, construction of light section mill” became the prize winner of the Association of foundrymen and metallurgists of the Republic of Belarus in nomination “The best innovation project implemented on foundry and metallurgical productions and directed at improvement of product quality, energy and resource saving”.

The victory ceremony was held on during the 24-th Annual International Scientific and Technical conference "Foundry production and metallurgy 2016” that  took place on October 19 - 21, 2016 in Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus. The Association of  Foundrymen and Metallurgists of the Republic of Belarus was the organizer of this forum. More than 38 enterprises from 10 countries took part in the conference. Byelorussian Steel Works was represented by the specialists of Technical Department, Research Center and management.

It should be noted that the best scientific production work of young scientist was recognized the project of Chief of Research Center Andrei Vengura “The implementation of  hot rolling production for motor industry in Western Europe”.

Photo of  Y. Fasevitch.
